The last several years have seen an increased focus on the trend of customer experience (CX). Companies have gotten in tune with their customers’ needs, to meet them in personalized ways at every touchpoint. But the customer experience doesn’t end at the customer. After all, a true, stellar customer experience begins with the staff behind a brand.
That’s why more employers are shifting their focus in the coming years to enhancing the employee experience. Digital transformation has improved and streamlined workflows for greater efficiency and productivity. Now, companies are shifting their focus to enhancing the employee experience for a more productive, happier workforce.
And as every moment takes us one step into the future, workers are increasingly seeking companies that are tuned in to their staff, and the changing values of the work landscape.
So what do workers have to look forward to in the coming years? Here are 5 trends that are shaping the workplace of tomorrow.
1. Blended Workforce
Contract, remote, and freelance work is rising and more companies are getting on board with blending their workforce to achieve their bottom line in the most efficient way possible. Nearly 93% of companies acknowledge the trend of the gig economy, and have brought freelancers alongside their staff to complete projects in a cost-effective way. As more workers opt for flexible, contract work, and more companies seek to minimize overhead, the blended workforce has only one direction to go—up.
2. Ongoing performance reviews
Annual performance reviews will soon be passé, as
Millennials and Gen Z begin to take center stage in the workforce. Why? The social media era has fashioned them for instant feedback. Twenty-five percent of employees don’t find annual performance reviews helpful to their growth or performance optimization. That’s why more global companies are beginning to ditch the annual review for more regular feedback, like daily or weekly.
3. AR and VR integration
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have been trending, and more companies are exploring how they can implement them efficiently to optimize workflows. With the
tech-savvy generations climbing the ladders, there’s a bigger push to integrate AR and VR to make trainings and onboarding processes more engaging, streamlined and cost-effective for everyone involved.
4. Greater focus on teamwork
The team mentality is soaring as generations raised on team sports enter into management roles. While individualism has always been highly valued in American society, companies are starting to restructure for a future that taps into the strength that Millennials and Gen Z workers have honed through the years, and is promising to be a growing wave of the future workplace.
5. Improved benefit packages
Money isn’t everything, and when it comes to work, employees are increasingly looking at
benefits packages to fuel their employment decisions. Millennials thrive on flexibility, making it a key component as companies look to attract the best talent by creating more conducive and ideal work arrangements.
The future isn’t far ahead—only a moment. By tuning in to preferences and growing trends, companies can improve their retention rates and have more satisfied and productive teams. Happier staff necessarily equals greater productivity and success for all.