So you’ve graduated and landed your dream job…or simply a job. Now what? The path from the classroom to the cubicle can be challenging. The transition from student to staff can be bittersweet, as you leave behind friends and mentors for the unknown, yet exciting world of the rest of your life.
As you walk into the office for that first day as the new kid on the block, implement these key strategies to ease your way and set yourself up for success.
1. Be inquisitive
Your professors told you there were no stupid questions—and believe it or not, they were right. Asking questions as you take on your new role is critical to doing the job well. Learn the ropes of mastery. Know what is expected of you, so you can
meet and exceed expectations.
2. Be punctual
Being tardy may have cost you grade points in school—but in the office, it could cost you the job and the accompanying paychecks and referrals. Make a point of being on time, every time, and you’ll let others know they can depend on you.
3. Get (and stay) organized
Just as
first impressions matter, ongoing good impressions are key to your success and future promotion. You didn’t get the job by being slovenly during your interview. Keeping a tidy workspace shows respect for yourself and your team, promotes productivity and fuels creativity.
4. Create challenges
College kept you on your toes from semester to semester, with new classes, new professors and a whole lot of new information to log. Though day after day at the same job might make you feel stuck at times, creating your own challenges can
help you to stay motivated. Check if your employer pays for continuing education, and sign up for a class to expand your skills. Join professional associations. Mentor college students to help them in their own pursuits. Become a go-getter by volunteering for projects, whether or not you know how to do them. You may not be able to do anything about the repetitive tasks, but you can expand your horizons just the same.
5. Go for the goals
Having your own goals is crucial to getting ahead in life. But knowing how they relate to your company’s goals is equally important. Determine what you can do beyond your job description to help take your company to the next level. Your
big-picture thinking will be noted and appreciated; excellence and achievement is always in fashion.
6. Establish work-life balance
Contrary to what you may have experienced, the real world isn’t all work. There’s plenty of playtime to be had, in a grown-up kind of way. Whether you’re a literary type, an athlete, or a gamer, establish a post-work routine that enables you to kick off your shoes and just have fun. Creating a balanced life filled with fun, family, and friends prevents burnout to keep you thriving for as long as opportunities abound at your job.
With college days behind you, your habits of kicking all-nighters, and trying desperately to stay awake for that lecture might be long-gone. But that doesn’t mean that your learning days are behind you. Every day henceforward is an opportunity to learn, excel, and exceed expectations. Go forth and thrive!